The FAQs page was created to provide a quick overview of what you need to know as an LREPOA member. It is by no means an inclusive list—and information is subject to change. Check back frequently for updates.

Assessment Schedule:

This schedule outlines assessments, dues and fines associated with living in LREPOA.

POA Dues:

– $1130 for a property with water meter (10,000 gallons of water included); $1 for every 1,000 gallons over that. (If your property has a water meter hooked up, you will be charged $1130 regardless if water was used during the year.)

– $1030 for property without water meter

POA dues are payable by January 1. (Bills sent in November.)

Water-related bills are sent out in the summer and are due upon receipt. These bills may include charges for back flow inspections and repairs, water usage over the allotted 10,000 gallons, annual lock-out fees, etc.)

Gate Access:

Email John Simmons for a card /code:

  • Cards $10
  • Remotes $35
  • Keychain remotes $25
  • Code change $16

Remotes and codes are not transferable and will be terminated upon the sale of property. (Cards are transferable.)

Winter Road Restrictions:

No trucks over 18,000 GVWR allowed on any LRE roads from November 1 – March 31 without prior written approval from the Board. However, there are often weather-related exceptions to this rule so please pay attention to weight restriction sign posted on gate.

Fines applicable for violation.

Road Maintenance:

No winter road maintenance is provided by the Association. No plowing, sanding or salting. (The only exception is the road from the gate to the dumpsters/package shed is maintained so those areas can be serviced.)

If you would like to voluntarily plow the roads, you must fill out the Snow Removal Release of Liability Form found here. We do not allow members to use salt or ice melt on any LRE roads.

The primary roads (Rockport Blvd., Aspen and part of Hollow) are graded and mag water is applied each summer. Secondary roads are done as needed.

Currently, there are no plans to asphalt the roads.

Speed Limit:

18 mph for ALL vehicles on ALL roads. This includes, but is not limited to, ATVs, dirt bikes, side-by-sides, motorcycles, etc.


Plans must be submitted to an Architectural member one week prior to the monthly Board meeting–which happens the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

Minimum of a 1,000 sq.’ finished living space—and the maximum footprints are: 3000 sq.’ for ½ acre, 3500 sq.’ for 1 acre, 4000 sq.’ for 1.5 acres and 4500 sq.’ for 2+ acres.

All trailers, RVs, etc. must be removed by October 1 unless permission has been granted by an LRE Board of Trustees member. (The exception to this rule is if you have an approved construction plan—meaning all paperwork has been submitted and approved, and all fees have been paid—you may have a trailer for up to two years while the construction project is taking place. And lots with permanent dwellings are exempt.)

All site modifications or new construction, expansions, additions must be approved by the Architectural Committee. More information can be found on this site’s Architectural page.

Tracked Equipment:

No tracked equipment on any LRE roads. All equipment must be trailered in.

Short-term Rentals:

LRE does not allow short-term rentals. This includes nightly, weekly or rentals that are less than 30 days. This is a violation of our CC&R’s business activity statute:

See full CC&R’s on this site’s POA information page.


No winter water. Water season runs from June 1 – November 30 but can change due to weather.

We are working toward year-round water but do not currently have the funds to upgrade the system all at once. Improvements are made as we can afford them.

Installation of private wells is no longer permitted within LRE jurisdiction.

Please be aware you live in an area categorized as high desert that is susceptible to drought. LREPOA has developed a Drought Response Plan that can found here.

Backflow Preventers:

This is required if you have any type of portable water holding tanks and/or water pressure pumps and are connected to the Lake Rockport Estates water system. Contact Alan Lindsley for details.

Garbage Bins:

Only household refuse goes in the garbage bins. If it doesn’t fit in a garbage bag, it doesn’t go in the bin. And please don’t leave items on the ground. Please.

Garbage is picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Property owners are responsible to pay Republic Services’ annual service fee. This fee comes directly from Republic Services as it is no longer covered by your taxes.

Recycle Bins:

No glass, Styrofoam or plastic bags. Ever. But hard plastics, paper, cardboard and metal are fine.  Please break down large boxes and toss in all items loosely—never bagged. (Bags clog up/damage the recycling sorting machines. And contaminated recycle bins means all recyclables are then just throw in the trash.)

Recycled items are picked up on Fridays.

Burn Pile:

Natural vegetation from your LRE lot can be disposed of in the burn pile located north of the parking area. No construction debris, soil, rocks, pallets, wooden furniture, etc. allowed. NATURAL VEGETATION ONLY.

Package Shed:pen to all members in good-standing. See form (and detailed information) on Forms and Agreements page.

One-time fee of $60.


Contact Nachi Fairbanks for arrangements.

One-time purchase fee of $150. Charge for key/lock change is currently $45. (All fees subject to change.)

Leash Law:

Our community, while deemed recreational, does not give residents liberty to let their dogs run freely. As part of Summit County, the Summit County Animal Control leash (and responsible dog owner) laws apply. For issues with dogs, please contact Animal Control at 435.615.3985. For more information about Animal Control Laws, visit: https://www.summitcounty.org/946/Animal-Control

Monthly Board Meetings:

Occur the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. at the PC Community Church.

If you have something you would like to discuss with the Board, please submit a request no later than the 1st Wednesday of the month to be added to the agenda. Lot owners are welcome to attend the open portion of the meeting starting at 6:30 PM.

Annual Meeting:

The annual meeting typically takes place on a Saturday in the summer—and is usually combined with a community clean-up and BBQ. Watch the website and our Facebook page for details.

Board Positions:

Any property owner can run for a seat on the LREPOA Board of Trustees. (One member per lot)* Board positions are voluntary three-year terms. The position requires attendance at monthly Board meetings, taking on extra projects and attending the annual clean-up/BBQ/meeting.

New Board members are voted on by proxy and due at the annual meeting.

* Per member request, the following clarification was received from the POA attorney, Curtis Kimble, on May 23, 2023.

“A person must be an owner (on the deed) or an agent of a corporate owner to serve on the board (Section 2.1) but there is no limitation on how many owners per lot may serve on the board.”

Updated 6/2/2024


Every lot gets a vote. Members who own more than one lot get one vote for each corresponding lot. (Current lots owned: ~326)


  • Summer and Winter Newsletters (via email or sent in the mail if we don’t have your email address)
  • Facebook

Helpful Websites:

Three Mile Canyon Landfill


Three Mile Canyon Road, Coalville | 435.336.5297 | Mon–Sat 7:30 AM – 5 PM

Recycle Utah  


1951 Woodbine Way, Park City |435.649.9698 | 24/7 recycling drop-off

The office and Warehouse Thrift Store are open: Mon –Sat 8 AM – 5:30 PM (excluding major holidays)

Summit County
