Click here for detailed resource about LRE roads
- Speed limit is 18 mph
- This includes, but is not limited to, ATVs, dirt bikes, side-by-sides, motorcycles, etc
- Tracked equipment must be transported by trailer to the work site
Summer Season
Roads are graded and treated with Magnesium treated water during the Summer. Please drive 5 mph until signs are removed from the road. This allows the grading and treatment to cure.
Observing the speed limit keeps the dust down, preserves our road from degradation and is neighborly especially to those living close to roads.
Winter Season
- No trucks over 18,000 GVWR allowed on any LRE roads from November 1 – March 31 without prior written approval from the Lake Rockport Estates Board of Trustees. There are often weather related exceptions to this rule (contact Board of Trustees).
- Pay attention to weight restriction sign posted on gate.
- We do not allow members to use salt or ice melt on any LRE roads.
- The package shed/trash dumpsters/mailboxes are cleared by a contracted snow removal service.
- Fines applicable for violations
Snow Clearance
- No winter road maintenance, snow plowing, sanding or salting is provided by Lake Rockport Estates Property Owners Association. Our roads are cleared of snow by a volunteer group of residents.